Sustainable Development – "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (Brundtland Report, 1987). We at APU are committed to sustainable development and operating practices through the responsible management of building design, construction, and renovation, landscape practices, energy use, water and waste management, emissions, transportation, and procurement, within a framework of regulatory compliance and fiscal prudence. Through bold leadership and, in alignment with Government and industry, we will put environmental issues at the forefront of our operations. We recognize the role we can play in driving policy, changing behaviors and providing new ideas and solutions to difficult global problems.
To integrate environmental and carbon action into all University processes and to maximize the influence of the University in reducing its footprint through education research and its operations.
APU has committed to achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. This is not a simple journey but it is necessary and important. Reaching net zero emissions will require collective effort and support from all our staff, students, and external stakeholders. To achieve this, we must ensure that we integrate climate action into all that we do. Please read the commitent HERE.
The Environment and Climate Action Board (attendees from Research, University, Professional Services and Students) is accountable for ensuring the Policy is implemented. Implementation will be embedded in all new decisions/ operations and activities. All employees have a responsibility to ensure that the aims and objectives of the policy are met.
The University requires its staff, students, partners and suppliers to:
Comply with all relevant environmental legislation and regulations as well as other requirements to which they subscribe,
The University will embrace the Environment and Climate Action Agenda both strategically and globally through its development of footprint reduction initiatives, Climate Action plans and staff, student, and community engagement. We will strive to minimize negative impacts and optimize positive opportunities by delivering our Climate action targets and goals through our strategies, recognizing our global and local reach, through the divers operations, partnership and programs.
TOGETHER Towards Sustainable Communities: